How to programmatically generate Migration entities and config entities
In a recent event I had a requirement to dynamically create Migrations within the entity_update
hook. So for that I used couple of existing functions within Drupal to get the list of available migrations and create new migration based on those settings.
I used the following function to get the list of Migrations within Drupal.
* Retrieve a list of active migrations.
* @param string $migration_ids
* Comma-separated list of migrations - if present, return only these migrations.
* @return MigrationInterface[][]
* An array keyed by migration group, each value containing an array of
* migrations or an empty array if no migrations match the input criteria.
function _MODULENAME_migration_list($migration_ids = '') {
$manager = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.migration');
$plugins = $manager->createInstances([]);
$matched_migrations = [];
// Get the set of migrations that may be filtered.
if (empty($migration_ids)) {
$matched_migrations = $plugins;
else {
// Get the requested migrations.
$migration_ids = explode(',', Unicode::strtolower($migration_ids));
foreach ($plugins as $id => $migration) {
if (in_array(Unicode::strtolower($id), $migration_ids)) {
$matched_migrations[$id] = $migration;
// Do not return any migrations which fail to meet requirements.
/** @var \Drupal\migrate\Plugin\Migration $migration */
foreach ($matched_migrations as $id => $migration) {
if ($migration->getSourcePlugin() instanceof RequirementsInterface) {
try {
catch (RequirementsException $e) {
// Filters the matched migrations if a group or a tag has been input.
if (!empty($filter['migration_group']) || !empty($filter['migration_tags'])) {
// Get migrations in any of the specified groups and with any of the
// specified tags.
foreach ($filter as $property => $values) {
if (!empty($values)) {
$filtered_migrations = [];
foreach ($values as $search_value) {
foreach ($matched_migrations as $id => $migration) {
// Cast to array because migration_tags can be an array.
$configured_values = (array) $migration->get($property);
$configured_id = (in_array($search_value, $configured_values)) ? $search_value : 'default';
if (empty($search_value) || $search_value == $configured_id) {
if (empty($migration_ids) || in_array(Unicode::strtolower($id), $migration_ids)) {
$filtered_migrations[$id] = $migration;
$matched_migrations = $filtered_migrations;
// Sort the matched migrations by group.
if (!empty($matched_migrations)) {
foreach ($matched_migrations as $id => $migration) {
$configured_group_id = empty($migration->get('migration_group')) ? 'default' : $migration->get('migration_group');
$migrations[$configured_group_id][$id] = $migration;
return isset($migrations) ? $migrations : [];
Now let's create the Migration programmatically within the hook entity update.
* Implements hook_entity_update().
function MODULENAME_entity_update(EntityInterface $entity) {
if($entity->getType() == 'CONTENT_TYPE'){
$migrations_groups = _MODULENAME_migration_list('import_leaderboard_template');
if(!empty($migrations_load = _MODULENAME_migration_list('import_leaderboard_' . $entity->Id()))){
foreach($migrations_load as $migrations){
foreach($migrations as $machinename => $migration){
Drupal::configFactory()->getEditable('migrate_plus.migration.' . $machinename)->delete();
foreach($migrations_groups as $migrations){
foreach($migrations as $migration_id => $migration){
$entity_array['id'] = 'import_leaderboard_' . $entity->Id();
$entity_array['class'] = $migration->get('class');
$entity_array['cck_plugin_method'] = $migration->get('cck_plugin_method');
$entity_array['field_plugin_method'] = $migration->get('field_plugin_method');
$entity_array['migration_group'] = 'regatta_import_leaderboards';
$entity_array['migration_tags'] = $migration->get('migration_tags');
$entity_array['label'] = 'Import Leaderboards for ' . $entity->label();
$source = $migration->getSourceConfiguration();
$entity_array['source'] = $source;
$entity_array['destination'] = $migration->getDestinationConfiguration();
$entity_array['process'] = $migration->get('process');
$entity_array['migration_dependencies'] = $migration->getMigrationDependencies();
$migration_entity = Migration::create($entity_array);
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