How to increase php memory limit for drush in a shared host
Most of the shared hosting providers will only allow very low level of PHP memory for the command line. In most cases it's 64M. So here is a simple work around to increase it's value without much trouble.
Prerequisites : You should have SSH access to the web server.
Run following commands on your command line.
drush php-eval 'print ini\_get("memory\_limit")' ;
You'll see the amount of memory assigned to the PHP cli. Is it 64M or 128M?. Let's increase it.
Run following command.
vi ~/.drush/drushrc.php
Add these lines to drushrc.php
ini_set('memory_limit', '128M');
Now run
drush php-eval 'print ini\_get("memory\_limit")' ;
Did you see your new php memory limit is in use?.
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